Sunday, December 13, 2009

November '09 in Buenos Aires

Mike and Andrea send greetings from Buenos Aires!

Mike writes; We have gotten settled in since arriving here in late September. With the seasons being reversed from the U.S. we are experiencing a spring that is cooler and wetter than normal, or so I am told. There has been some rain about three days a week and the weather is 70 degrees F plus or minus about 8 degrees F almost every day.

We have gotten lots of visits from Andrea's brother Claudio, his wife Claudia and Angelo and Alegra (in the photo with Andrea). Poco the dog has drawn lots of attention in a country where Greyhounds are somewhat common, but her smaller "Italian Greyhound" breed is uncommon.

Andrea has made me familiar with the metro, train and bus systems and we find there are lots of easy ways get around. We have the idea that we don't want a car--so far we haven't really needed one. In a city as large and densely populated as this, most of what is needed in the way of products and services are within a short walking distance. It goes without saying that to equip our new digs has required lots of legwork along with the public transportation.

Being a native of Argentina and having lived and worked in Buenos Aires for several years after finishing college, Andrea knows lots of short cuts that have proven useful for setting up a household here.

Because we know that family and friends are curious as to what was so attractive that led us to make the move south, and because many of you have interests in travel we have decided to post this blog with photos and items of interest. Please feel free to respond (see below) and forward to a friend. We'd love to read your thoughts and comments. If you click on the subscribe link below, you'll get a fresh installment (blog) on an irregular but frequent basis.

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Andrea is planning on promoting private dinners for eight guests periodically here at our apartment beginning in the fall. Private dinners (hidden door restaurants) are one of the cool things that happen here in Buenos Aires. These 'dinner clubs' are usually hosted by chefs or food junkies. The routine is to view the menu and make a reservation on line. You are sent location instructions a few days before the event.