Monday, November 22, 2010

September '10 in Buenos Aires

I have to tell the story of our wooden street. Sometime in the early 1920's apparently, our street was paved with wooden pieces of what we might call 2 x 6. It was later paved over with asphalt. As far as I can see, it is only our block that was paved this way. Other streets in our neighborhood are cobblestone. This is a testament to the exotic rot resistant types of wood found in South America.

 Less exotic is the soccer game. Andrea had the chance to view a game from a private suite.

The cemetery at Recoleta is great curiosity for thousands of visitors. High brick walls were constructed, perhaps to keep the spirits from wandering.

Near the cemetery in Recoleta the weekend flea market draws life to the streets and sidewalks. Street performers, artists and craftspeople turned vendors, mimes and onlookers.
 The church in Recoleta outside of the cemetery at mid-day and at dusk.